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Yoga & Meditation Tour

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Yoga & Meditation Tour

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Duration: 11 Days

Yoga & Meditation Yoga literally means union. Yoga is an attempt to unite the individual soul with theyoga Universal Soul or God through rigorous mental and physical efforts. It is an integrated system of body, mind and spirit, and is fastened to ideas, values and attitudes. Yoga is capable of ensuring physical well-being, mental harmony and moral elevation. The are eight steps in yoga 0yama Conditional yoga behaviour, personal and social, Niyama Attitude sublimate to yoga norms, Asana, discipline of the physical body, Pranayama control over bio energy through respiratory action, Pratyahara withdrawal of the senses inwards through abstraction, Dharna that is concentration, Dhyana, which is meditation and Samadhi, the trans-consciousness.

The aim of yoga is to enable the person doing yoga, to transcend sense perceived, temporary appearances, unrealities and attain a vision and an experience of the super sensuous Divine Reality and attain peace and harmony. The challenge lies in transforming the inert body to the level of vibrant mind and then body and mind to be one with the serenity of the self. The Yoga, with the rhythm of the body, the melody of the mind and the harmony of the soul, creates the symphony of life. There are various Asanas that help to attain this rhythm. Integral part of Yoga is Meditation, an antidote to the excessive stress of modern life resulting in health problems. It helps retrain response mechanisms so that we don't react as strongly or as negatively to adverse situations. Meditation emboldens body's immune system, wards off diseases and enables quick recovery from diseases. Meditation helps mould a mind healthy, alert, positive, and calm. This, in turn, produces a body filled with vitality and health. A blend of meditation, proper diet, and yoga postures improves the general health. Medical journals say even serious heart and circulatory problems can be reversed through a regime of diet, meditation, and exercise. Meditation takes away fear, worry, and anger and replaces the mind with positive, strong attitudes. Its daily practice gives control over the flow of life force. As a result, an attitudinal change takes place leading to dispassionate approach to worldly pleasures.

In short, meditation is a simple and powerful tool to lead a stress-free life. Relationships will be rewarding once developed a calm, relaxed sensitivity of life via meditation. All forms of meditation are good, but in our high-speed society, we need to learn how to protect our energy by closing down at the end.

Steps of yoga
YAMA: Conditional yoga behaviour, personal and social.
NIYAMA: Attitude sublimate to yoga norms.
ASANA: Discipline of the physical body.
PRANAYAMA: Control over bio energy through respiratory action.
PRATYAHARA: Withdrawal of the senses inwards through abstraction.
DHARNA: Concentration.
DHYANA: Meditation.
SAMADHI: Trans-consciousness.

Of these, the first five, which border on the Psychosomatic Approach, are referred to as External (Bahiranga) yoga, popularly known as Hatha Yoga, while the latter three, which directly affect the psyche are known as internal (Antaranga) yoga, popularly known as Raja Yoga. It is almost impossible to try internal yoga (Raja Yoga) for the average man before accomplishing the external one (Hatha Yoga). The respective sequence of the eight steps as the standard methodology of yoga.

Yoga is based on a deep understanding of man and his position in this world and was the first system evolved in the world to recognise the connection and the interaction between body and mind. It studies in depth the very structure of the human personality, through analysis the psychological complexities and the cause of human pain, sorrow and suffering. It has laid down psychosomatic means through its various psycho-physiological processes for dealing with the body mind complex and tries to harmonize and integrate the human personality at all levels and stages of life.

Yoga is basically a way of life, which has been evolved as a system to go beyond the personality - complex and achieve absolute freedom-liberation of the spirit from the matter.

Meditation Integral part of Yoga is Meditation, an antidote to the excessive stress of modern life resulting in health problems. It helps retrain response mechanisms so that we don't react as strongly or as negatively to adverse situations. Meditation emboldens body's immune system, wards off diseases and enables quick recovery from diseases. Meditation helps mould a mind healthy, alert, positive, and calm. This, in turn, produces a body filled with vitality and health. A blend of meditation, proper diet, and yoga postures improves the general health. Medical journals say even serious heart and circulatory problems can be reversed through a regime of diet, meditation, and exercise. Meditation takes away fear, worry, and anger and replaces the mind with positive, strong attitudes. Its daily practice gives control over the flow of life force. As a result, an attitudinal change takes place leading to dispassionate approach to worldly pleasures.

In short, meditation is a simple and powerful tool to lead a stress-free life. Relationships will be rewarding once developed a calm, relaxed sensitivity of life via meditation. All forms of meditation are good, but in our high-speed society, we need to learn how to protect our energy by closing down at the end.

Steps of Meditation Meditation, an antidote to the excessive stress of modern life, which spurs the body into a "fight or flight" response resulting in health problems. It helps retrain response mechanisms so that we don't react as strongly or as negatively to adverse situations.

Meditation emboldens body's immune system, wards off diseases and enables quick recovery from diseases. Meditation helps mould a mind healthy, alert, positive, and calm. This, in turn, produces a body filled with vitality and health. A blend of meditation, proper diet, and yoga postures improves the general health.

A blend of meditation, proper diet, and yoga postures improves the general health. Medical journals say even serious heart and circulatory problems can be reversed through a regime of diet, meditation, and exercise. Meditation takes away fear, worry, and anger and replaces the mind with positive, strong attitudes. Its daily practice gives control over the flow of life force. As a result, an attitudinal change takes place leading to dispassionate approach to worldly pleasures. One of the easiest ways to meditate is listening songs or reading holy books for ten or twenty minutes. While sitting with spine erect, you are aligning energy to the Almighty force.

Normal Steps Sit in a chair with spine erect, shoulders relaxed, feet flat on the floor. Fold hands together in lap and close eyes. Take three slow deep breaths, exhaling to the base of spine, and feel relaxing. Sit with hands together for a few minutes. Open hands, palms up, laying them gently in lap. Keep focus on music, reading, song whatever is there. Mediators can affirm or visualize such as, "The Perfect partner is manifesting in my life," or whatever you are choosing to create in life, i.e. prosperity, wisdom, career. If the meditation is in the evening after the daily routines, review the day, how you reacted in situation, take fresh, positive decisions.

Close hand into a fist and feel a balloon of white light a block all around you and underneath you so that you're in the centre. This sends love and healing out to the world and buffers negative energy from coming into you. True meditation does not end here. Endeavour to practice the meditation attitude in thoughts and behaviour. In short, meditation is a simple and powerful tool to lead a stress-free life. Relationships will be rewarding once developed a calm, relaxed sensitivity of life via meditation.

All forms of meditation are good, but in our high-speed society, we need to learn how to protect our energy by closing down at the end.

Breathing: In meditation diaphragmatic breathing is important. As we inhale, diaphragm, a dome-shaped muscle, contracts and flattens its curve, creating a vacuum into which the lungs can expand. As this happens the diaphragm pushes the abdominal muscles outward. Diaphragmatic breathing can, and should, be done in any position, but it is easiest to re-learn when you are most relaxed, lying on the floor. Lie on your back with your arms at your sides, palms upward. Many people find it easier to relax the diaphragm if they bend their knees, placing their feet flat on the floor. Relax completely, especially the stomach and abdomen. Now, breathe deeply and slowly, concentrating on the diaphragm, and feeling your stomach rise as you inhale and fall as you exhale. Relax the abdominal muscles more and more completely, using the diaphragm, and not the stomach muscles, to create the rise and fall of the abdomen. After a few minutes practice on the floor you can sit in a cross-legged position and continue diaphragmatic breathing. It helps to close your eyes and concentrate on relaxing the stomach, allowing it to swell outward and relax back inward. Once you know how to breathe correctly you can practice diaphragmatic breathing wherever you are. It may take a couple of weeks to retrain yourself but you will find the results worth the effort. Be sure to check to see that you are breathing diaphragmatically as you begin your meditations.


Arrive Mumbai. Assistance on arrival at the airport and transfer to the domestic airport to board your flight to Cochin, Kerala. Meeting and assistance on arrival and transfer to the Hotel.

Kerala - A coastal land where lakes and backwaters abound. It is beautiful and green with plantations of cardamom, cinnamon, cloves and pepper. Kerala has thick forests, which are homes to wild elephants, boars, snakes and a variety of wild life. The backwaters are teeming with seafood; tropical fruits like mangoes, bananas, and jackfruit are plentiful. Coconut palms are dotted all along the coast and lakes. The Kerala cuisine is incomplete without the use of fresh coconut and coconut oil. The most popular festival celebrated is Onam. Ladies decorate their doorsteps with colorful rangoli patterns made with fresh flower petals. They are very literate people with a simple dress mode.

Afternoon city sightseeing - Dutch palace, Synagogue Old fort Cochin area, St. Francis Church, Chinese Fishing Nets. Evening witness a Kathakali Dance Drams performance at one of the auditorium. Overnight at the hotel.

Morning drive to Alleppey and take a boat cruise on the Vembanad Lake (approx 3 hrs) to Kottayam passing through the small canals and enjoying the backwater beauty of Kerala. On arrival at the Kottayam Boat Jetty, drive on to Periyar and upon arrival check-in at the hotel. Overnight at the hotel.

Periyar Sanctuary was the earliest sanctuary to be set up in 1934. Amongst the animals spotted here are wild elephants, which can be seen and photographed at close quarters, wild boar, sambar, tier, leopard, wild dog and languor monkeys. Morning take a game viewing boat ride on the artificial Periyar Lake. Afternoon a spice plantation tour of Thekkady.Overnight at the hotel.

Morning after breakfast depart by surface to Kumarakom and upon arrival check-in at the hotel. Kumarakom an unbelievably beautiful paradise of mangrove forests, emerald green paddy fields, and coconut groves interspersed with enchanting waterways and canals adorned with white lilies. Situated on the Vembanad Lake, in this small water world, you will come across plenty of traditional country crafts, boats and canoes. Located on the banks of the Vembanad Lake, is the Kumarakom Bird Sanctuary - an ornithologist's paradise, is a favourite haunt of migratory birds like the Siberian stork, egret, darter, heron and teal. Other common varieties like woodp0ecker, skylark, crane, water hen and parrots can also be spotted here. Evening Optional Sunset Cruise - there can be few better ways to adjust to the pace of backwater life than to spend the waning hours of the afternoon just watching the sun go down. Overnight at the hotel.

Day free to explore the backwater island and relax.Overnight at the hotel.

Morning drive to Trivandrum. On arrival check into the hotel. Overnight at the hotel.

Day free for Yoga & Meditation and relaxation at the Golden Sandy Beach of Kovalam. Overnight at the hotel.

Day free for Yoga & Meditation and relaxation at the Golden Sandy Beach of Kovalam. Overnight at the hotel.

Day free for Yoga & Meditation and relaxation at the Golden Sandy Beach of Kovalam. Optional Trivandrum City Tour - visit the famous Sri Padmanabhaswamy Temple dedicated to Lord Vishnu. Rebuilt in 1733, it is an excellent example of South Indian architecture. Visit the Zoological Park, Napier Museum with its bronze collection, Sri Chitra Art Gallery with paintings from various schools; from countries like China, Japan, Java and Bali. Overnight at the hotel.

Optional excursion to Kanyakumari(Cape Comerin) is the meeting point of the Arabian Sea, Bay of Bengal and the Indian Ocean. The sunrise and sunsets are a great attraction especially on a full moon day in April as it is possible to see the sunset and moonrise on the same horizon. Also visit the Gandhi Mandapam, a modern version of an Orian Temple designed in such a way that the rays of the sun strike the spot where the ashes of the Mahatma were kept (prior to immersion in the sea) at noon on 02 October every year. Vivekananda, the great thinker and reformer mediated here and a memorial was erected known as the Vivekananda Merial.

In time departure transfer to the airport to board flight to Mumbai. Assistance on arrival at the airport and transfer for a short orientation tour of Mumbai city. Later Dinner at a hotel near the International airport, followed by departure transfer to airport to board your flight back home.

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